Monday, March 2, 2009

Roll Call - Thoughts from Chanda

Do you ever have moments where you show up in life just to show up? You find yourself acting much like a numb robot going through the motions? The universe is operating, and you attempt to “slide into” the flow of life without anyone really noticing you are there? You know what I’m talking about: those moments when you check in and realize you have just spent two hours organizing your desk drawer, reorganizing your piles of files, taking one too many coffee breaks trying to busy yourself.

I remember the days of roll call. We would all tumble into our first high school class of the day, half awake and with the act of our names being called we would mumble a feeble “here.” But are we really here? I mean, not in the philosophical sense, but are we really showing up or just “slipping into our seat” hoping no one notices?

I woke up one day last week and thought to myself “maybe no one will notice I’m here today.” It was just a random thought, or so I hoped. I put on my professional best, completed my morning rituals and came downstairs to greet the day. However, I noticed by noon nothing was happening. All I had accomplished was updating my facebook page and emptying the trash. I didn’t have one phone call, and only junk in my email inbox. The flow was completely halted. Talk about a powerful AHA! moment. Who do you think was in charge of creating that?

Ten years ago, that wish would have worked just fine for me. I was in an 8-5 job without a sense of purpose. However, the sense of purpose I have now to serve others through the gifts of the spirit is occasionally like that person at work who just doesn’t stop talking, even though you wish they would. It follows me around during the day, eats lunch with me, leads my actions and keeps me coming back to focus. It has become painfully clear that the world will not stand for me just showing up for roll call hoping no one notices! I say painful, because anytime I am pushed out of my zone, I am uncomfortable. That is the source of true growth and change.

Get out of your seat in homeroom and shout HERE! during roll call. You are doing no one favors by staying in your seat drawing funny pictures of your teachers in your math notebook. Choose a purpose driven life. If you don’t know what that is, then take time to discover and uncover it. You may be a lot closer than you think.