Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Montana Update - from Chanda

Well it has been quite a whirlwind since we last wrote in our blog. Montana was breathtaking, in many ways. Exhilarating in others. The highlights were meeting up with our dear friend Patty Kirk in Missoula. She and her husband have a home on the Blackfoot River. Imagine waking up to the sounds of the river, walking down to the dock and enjoying morning coffee staring at the beautiful mountains covered with trees. What a way to live! We spent a day hiking to Holland Lake and a magnificent waterfall and another day together floating down the Blackfoot River. We shared lots of great meals, laughter and work. Patty is a wonderful energy healer, and for the first time Sheri and I were able to share our work with her. It was a really profound experience.

We were welcomed so warmly at the Feng Shui Center in downtown Missoula. The public evening of communication was great and Troy's work really flourished there. We made some terrific connections, including a session we had with Archangel Raphael, channeled through a woman who does readings there. We were given much insight and guidance for what's to come. Raphael seemed to know a lot about us that he couldn't have known, and some of the insights were right on and downright spooky (this coming from a psychic :-) While in Missoula, we were connected with a woman in Helena, MT who owns a healing center. Within 48 hours she was able to put together a public event that had 30 people attend! Now that's manifestation!! We've been invited back in September.

After work was done, it was time to play. We headed to Glacier National Park for a family reunion. Cozy cabins kept us safe and warm as we connected with Troy's family from far and wide, intimate conversations on walking trails and celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary for Troy's aunt Barb and uncle Ronnie were the highlight. Jacob would say the highlight for him was going to his first ever waterpark with real water slides. He was so brave and did several of the rides by himself. After getting a bit spooked by one of them, he was ready to "go to the hot tub." So cute! We also went white water rafting. I've never laughed so hard watching Troy and his dad in the front of the raft get slammed time and again by freezing glacier waves. What an adventure!

We felt the sadness sink in on the drive back to Fargo. Leaving this trek was not easy to do. Not because we didn't want to come home, we really were very excited to connect back into community. It was sadness because we were leaving behind people we didn't recognize anymore, mainly the old Chanda, Troy and Jacob. We learned so much on this journey and peeled layers off of ourselves each day we were called to live in the moment. At home with daily routines it's easier to slide by, not really in our bodies, at times even coasting. When you are out there you are only thinking about your next meal and where you will lay your head that night. Not having any other distractions but the beauty and joy of the wonders around us, we were inspired beyond our wildest dreams. We found ourselves brainstorming ways of making a living on the road, fantasizing about ways that the "psychic Von Trapp" family could go to work for National Geographic or maybe The Discovery Channel? Maybe. Maybe not. Considering what we've been manifesting in our lives lately, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. Careful what you wish for, right?

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