Friday, January 16, 2009

Hold Up the Hood - Insights from Chanda

In my line of work I spend a lot of time and energy connecting to spirit for others, whether it be loved ones who have crossed over or angels and spirit guides. However, I rarely take the opportunity to do that for myself. Last night between my dream and waking place I was in such a state of peace and calm, I decided to have a conversation with spirit just for me. So I allowed my mind to wander to any questions or concerns I have currently that could be posing a stumbling block. Suddenly my friends came into my mind. I went through them one at a time, like a rolodex, asking what it is I can do in their lives to assist them in moving forward. I stopped on a pair of married friends who are experiencing some momentary challenges with a job lay off and transitional work lives. Here is the guidance. I feel as if it truly is for all of us, and I am delighted to share it with you.

I was instantly given the image of an old, broken down vehicle. I was standing there holding up the hood, flashing light into the engine and parts. The married couple were gazing over the engine and parts to try to figure out how to fix it, to get it going again. They tried putting this part with that part, and then they would try starting it. No luck. So they'd go back to the drawing board, and try something else. This kept on for awhile, and although I am typically patient with spirit, I was growing a little restless not understanding what this had to do with anything.

So I asked "why am I holding the hood for them?" I heard with extreme clarity "because they haven't figured out how to hold it up for themselves. Just keep holding up the hood. You can let it go when they figure out how to hold it up themselves. Keep shining the light in until they figure out how to fix it." So, out of curiosity I asked what significance my actually holding the hood had in this picture and they showed me what would happen if I let go of the hood. They proved their point, it wasn't pretty, as you can imagine. Then I heard "energy....and much of like a vehicle. There are parts to it, and in between there is this stuff that holds it all together, nuts, bolts, oil, gas....but when the energy isn't flowing like a broken down vehicle, there are people there to help them see inside a bit more clearly. That is largely the job of humanity, but also in particular of lightworkers. To help others see inside more clearly. To be patient, to just hold up the hood." 

The impressions that followed were extraordinary. I pondered why it wouldn't be easier to just prop up the hood and leave them to figure it out. However, that isn't the point. We are here to assist in the process, however it looks, with each other. Propping the hood is fine, finding a light to shine in so they can see is fine, but my presence, and the moments shared with them, just there to hold the hood open a bit wider, directing them with the light where to look next, being silent and steady. That is a gift. We are all spirit, bound together in oneness. We are from the same stuff, whether you call it God, The Source, The Universe, The Cosmos, Dust, etc.....leaving others in the cold to fix it themselves means we leave ourselves in the cold just the same. Personally, I do not like being in the cold myself. I enjoy the successes of others, and love even more being a part of them. 

Lightworkers are everywhere. You know exactly who you are. If you feel that you assist others in shedding light, looking inside just a bit deeper, and carry the weight of the hood so that those around you are free to explore within, then you are a lightworker. We are all being called now to do this work, oftentimes setting our own egos and needs aside to be a catalyst and a support for those who are needing assistance. It can be uncomfortable at times to shine that light so brightly to see what is not working under the hood. However, with a gentle touch and a loving soul, you can facilitate the healing that we are all in search of. 

The one tip for you all in these trying times is to hold the hood for those around you. It doesn't matter how long it takes, there aren't timelines on the work of energy and of spirit. Be the light, and watch yourself feel the glow of joy in return.


1 comment:

Steve Aune said...

Great insight Chanda. I love reading your blog.