Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day Two at Healing Waters

Well, the Universe heard possibility and when I walked into the store I had 3 back-to- back sessions already scheduled. I dove in, and the day flowed so magically. We were booked for sessions up until the end, and in those moments between, Troy and I would give each other high fives. We had really gotten on the 84 for real (read our previous blog for the meaning behind the number 84) and there was no stopping us. To my dismay, Joan was gone for the day and that meant I had to wait to pick her brain about any more insights or impressions she may have had about the previous night. We took a more extensive tour of the property, and the beautiful thing is there is a house attached to the store that Joan uses to live in and to host workshops and gatherings and an apartment above the store whose tenants are on their way out. I couldn’t help myself as the pieces of a very interesting puzzle began coming together…did I manifest this? If we lived there we would have no commute, we would be able to build our business there, see clients and assist the store with publicity and PR efforts, giving it the lift it is crying out for. The fresh food markets and restaurants in the area are amazing, and right next door exists a beautiful church where Joan also hosts events when a larger space is needed. A vision of Troy presenting in the church to a packed crowd entered my mind. Then I quickly shut it off, deciding again it was better not to get into my head about it, but instead to continue to stay open and notice what I notice.

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