Sunday, May 20, 2007

Our Ashland Experience

Hello from Ashland. Today was a very good day. We made are trip down to Ashland this morning and arrived here about 1:30 p.m. I held a public event at the Rouge Valley Metaphysical Library. WOW...what a place. I could spend years in this library reading all the wonderful books.

We had a nice intimate group session this afternoon and the messages were inspiring and touching. One spirit came forward very strong and relayed a very specific message. During the communication I had the song in my head, "Michael Row Your Boat Ashore" and so I communicated that to the woman. She immediate laughed out loud and knew exactly who it was. She then went on to tell us the woman in spirit loved that song and that they sang it all the time. I believe everyone in spirit was amazed by the specific reference to the song.

As for our accommodations, we are totally blessed to be staying with a wonderful couple in Ashland. Christopher and Samantha are friends of my web designer, Cornflower. It's great to meet such a like minded couple. We've learned a lot from our time together and look forward to building our friendship.

Off to California tomorrow!

1 comment:

Bill said...

I check your blog every day and wish you love, light, and happiness. Thanks for the words and love. Take care of yourselves.